Showing posts with label Rand Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rand Paul. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why The Party and Media Elites Don't Understand 'The Liberty Movement'

By: Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.

Writer Shirley Husar, in the 'Washington Times' Blogger community,  attempts to compare the Ron Paul 2012 campaign to a 'fad' using the 'Cabbage Patch Craze' of the 1980's as  a template to explain his popularity. Ms. Husar is making the same mistake that many are in dismissing the 'Liberty Movement' that Ron Paul is rallying around his campaign. Like many traditional pundits, politicos, media hacks and other slingers of bullpuckey, they attempt to filter what they cannot understand (or have poorly researched) through the lens of traditional campaigns that focus on sloganeering, pandering to special interests, pimping the candidate out for massive corporate donations, and relying on the 'cult of personality' to distract voters from the REAL campaign message (or lack thereof!).

You cannot judge the effects of the Ron Paul 2012 Campaign through the broken lens of past campaigns. Ron Paul may be the 'Focus' of the Liberty Campaign, but his nomination is surely not the end game. In many, many states, the local and state party apparatus is being taken over by Ron Paul Liberty Movement supporters. From Precinct Delegates on up to County, State and RNC posts, and from local races up to State and National Races, Liberty Movement Candidates are not looking at just 2012, but far beyond. Many state party elites have 'gamed' the system to prevent 'New' members- or even 'outsiders' within their own party- from having a short-term effect on their control over the party's political process. But they have failed to account for a DEDICATED and long-term strategy that not only is willing to put in the time and effort to work within the system, but also savvy enough to take advantage of the very rules supposedly put into place to keep them on the outside. This 'Liberty Movement' is not a one-off and done- it is merely a STARTING POINT, which has rallied many people WITHOUT the support of the Corporate Media, and against the best efforts of the Party Elites and insiders (or in spite of them!). These newly-awakened activists have also joined with many within the GOP who have been alienated and ostracized for many years due to their resentment towards the Big-Government Neo-Conservative direction the party has been pulled to (or bought and PAID to move to) for too long. 

This phenomenal growth in the Liberty Movement has been largely missed by the National Corporate Media for two major reasons. First, it doesn't fit into any of the neat little 'story-line' boxes that the infotainment-driven news-cycle feels it MUST portray EVERY public figure or movement within. If it doesn't focus on the 'Personality', any 'scandals', or bright, shiny glittering generalities of faux-'vision' statements, then the media does not know how to report on it, so it will either ignore it, or (if not possible to deny it) belittle and minimize it, or demonize it.  The second reason much of the Liberty Movement has been missed by the Corporate National Media, is that it's adherents and supporters have by and large IGNORED the Corporate Media, utilizing the 'alternative' media (which is less and less 'alternative' every day!), and rely on social media and direct peer-to-peer communications and media in order to organize, disseminate information, and promote ideas, candidates and gatherings. For many in the 'old' media, it is beyond their ken to imagine that large numbers of like-minded people who believe in the Constitution, INDIVIDUAL rights and the basic freedoms guaranteed under our Constitution are far, far greater than is portrayed or even talked about amongst the faux-cognoscenti in the mockingbird media. Many are so arrogant that they believe that if it is not reported by THEM, then it surely cannot exist!

Fortunately for the future of American Politics, and the future path to prosperity and freedom for our society as a whole, there exists outside of the Media/Corporate bubbles of DC, NYC and LA a true desire to end the corruption, corporatism and collectivist mind-rot though that has permeated BOTH wings of the Washington D.C. MONEY Party, as both Demopublicans AND Republicrats sell out to self-serving interests who put their own power, wealth and twisted idealism ahead of the best interests of the American people. Unfortunately for the Party Elites, as well as their Corporate Paymasters and their allies in the co-opted media, they are unable to understand the depth of resentment towards the Government/Corporate Status Quo. Nor can they cannot cognitively disassociate themselves from the dying Two-Party (One-Party?) Paradigm that has driven America to the brink of ruination and decline. Throughout American history, political parties and those who sought to control them for their own ends have seen once-mighty ruling classes' come swiftly crashing down under the massive weight of their fossilized, empty power structure.

Change is overtaking events in America, as information spreads like wildfire beyond the ability of the 'Old Media' gatekeepers to control it's flow. The 'Old' ideas of our Founders, enshrined in our Constitution, have become New once again, as more and more Americans wake up to the fact that there are those who would sacrifice our Lives, Liberties and ability to Pursue Personal Happiness merely in order to further their own power, wealth and position. The winds of Liberty are blowing through America once again, and are soon to be sweeping through the corridors of power, blowing awqay the detritus of failed policies, corrupt programs and empty promises. Those who cannot realize (or refuse to believe) in this sea-change in American politics will be left on the ash-heap of history, as events overtake them, and their illusions are shattered by a new paradigm- the Liberty Movement!

Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr. is an activist who has worked in Broadcast Media, Financial Services, Information Technology, Retail and services industries, and is passionate about Liberty and it's preservation and revival in America.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The New Political Paradigm- Why The Media And Party Bosses are Missing it.

BY: Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.

Recently, quite a few articles have appeared, speculating that Ron Paul 'really' wants is a 'speaking spot' at the Tampa GOP Convention, or that he 'really wants' to add delegates to 'influence the platform'. Some even suggest that what Ron Paul is really doing is 'paving the way' for his son Rand's political Future. Perhaps the latter has a grain of truth, but the reality is much bigger and more important than that.

The Platform? A 'speaking slot'- Hardly... As a grass-roots organizer, I can assure you that the strategy of the Ron Paul Campaign goes FAR beyond these small goals, and even beyond the 2012 Campaign altogether. A few political observers, like US NEWS' Kenneth T. Walsh actually are getting close to the REAL truth-= but they are few and far between, and are usually ignored, buried or scoffed at- just as the Ron Paul Campaign has been! What the savvy (but growing) few HAVE noticed is that, just as Ronald Reagan did after the 1976 election, Ron Paul is remaking the Republican Party in a Liberty and Constitution-oriented image. While most of the media focuses on the small minority of aberrant members in the Paul campaign who act out of turn (and there are even less of those in the Paul ranks than in most other campaigns), the vast majority of dedicated, motivated and educated Paul supporters are busy getting themselves and others elected to everything from Precinct Delegates to slots on the Republican National Committee.

The Romney Campaign merely signifies the last dying gasp of the 'Old' GOP- ruled by a coalition of Neo-Con Big Government Progressives and Right-Wing Evangelical Ideologues. The rapidly diminishing level of support for these two factions in the Party at large is evidenced by the failure of these groups to 'turn out the vote' for Romney in state after state- as well as by the ease with which Ron Paul supporters are driving out the old leadership in state after state, even as the 'Old Guard' uses every underhanded trick and back-room tactic to try to cling to the last vestiges of party power. The growing numbers and momentum are now favoring the rise of  the Liberty-Minded wing of the GOP. Perhaps not enough to overcome the huge Media Bias and the entrenched old money currently attempting to retain the grasp on power in the GOP, but this mass movement of Young newcomers, once-active Republicans who were alienated by the Party Leadership, and disaffected Independents and even *GASP* DEMOCRATS are now on the ascent- and by the next election cycle will probably be the largest segment- if not the dominant one- in the new Republican Party.

The utter failure of the National Corporate Media to accurately report this story (If reporting on it at all) has only backfired on hem, as it has only served to drive even more curious outsiders and previously disaffected Republicans to consider this new movement, as (for a large segment of the American Public), anything the Mass Media either distrusts, denigrates or ignores must be at least somewhat worthwhile to look into! The dissatisfaction in both the electorate and the Public at large is both real and palpable. While those in the agenda-driven media seek to channel or control this distrust for their own aims (or the aims of their paymasters!), their obvious and consistent bias has merely served to reinforce the perception in the public that not only are most media outlets bereft of any redeeming journalistic qualities, but that the vast majority of the media is so in the pocket of special interests as to have rendered themselves virtual propaganda arms of those same special interests. Fewer and fewer are falling for the false 'Left/Right' paradigm, as they see little difference (other than rhetorically) between those big-government 'left-wing' progressives,  and the big-government 'right-wing' progressives. Further attempts to divide Americans along racial, social, economic and ethnic lines is similarly losing it's power to influence, except among those who will be malleable and subservient no matter who is 'in charge'.

A full paradigm shift in American politics is taking place, and while those in power and their lackeys in the captured media seek to either foolishly deny it, or actively fight the overwhelming tides of inevitable change, the American people are ready, willing and able to embrace (at Last) a REAL movement whose aims are to restore the republic, root out big-government corruption and waste, and return the control of the levers of power to the people- instead of those who have bought and paid for access, control and the ultimate monopoly on power for far too many years.

Ron Paul's Presidential Campaign, unlike any we have seen in years, is not an end unto itself. It is merely a marker, an important way-station for a growing Liberty movement to rally around and use as fuel for growth and expansion. From 1976 to well into the 1980 campaign, professional pundits, entrenched party bosses and those political insiders 'in the know' all said that Ronald Reagan was a 'lool'- a 'fringe' guy who was out of touch and would fade away. Perhaps they should have listened to ol' Ronnie, as they slowly started to see first the grassroots, then the local, state and finally the national Republican Party give way to the growing tide of the Reagan Revolution. It started at the grass roots, just as the Liberty Movement has done. Now we are seeing the Reagan Revolution being repeated, as local and state party officers and elected officials are being replaced ever more rapidly by those favorable to, or leading the Liberty Movement. 

Maybe that's why the RNC Leadership appears to be scared... VERY scared of the rapid advances the Ron Paul Campaign has fostered within the Party. As well they should be!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Media Outlet actually LISTENS to what readers say about Ron Paul!

By Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.

What's worse than the blackout? The type of 'damning with faint praise' type of articles that almost ALWAYS accompanies the meager amount of coverage that Dr. Paul gets. Any positive news is always followed by a qualifier. He has good plans BUT... He has dedicated and avid 'followers' (hate that word) BUT... He won the caucus BUT... In the Chrisitian Science Monitor article linked at the top, Writer Maud Dillingham, after seeing article avfter article deluged with intelligent rebuttals from adamant posters, objectively and soberly looks at the complaints that Ron Paul supporters have about the media.

My take on the media coverage? Excuse me, but since when is having a large grassroots organization; gaining and MAINTAINING popularity WITHOUT the help of (or in spite of) coverage by the media; motivating people to get out on their own (NOT 'bussed in') and actually VOTE for you; having five times as many individual campaign donors as the purported 'front runner'; having more active duty military contributors than all your opponents COMBINED (yet being criticized for 'not supporting the military'!), and finally, actually having a plan that does what all the other candidates PROMISE to do- balance the budget- in one-third the time; proposing to actually CUT the deficit by actually CUTTING spending, and by ONE TRILLION DOLLARS the first year, while the ostensible 'front runner' is proposing to cut about 2% of that, and spreading it out in time (as Buzz Lightyear would say) 'to infinity and beyond!". Ron Paul's record in this race is TEXTBOOK politics on how to build a campaign, stay on message, motivate your base and maintain fundraising- all without compromising your principles.

ANY other candidate does even HALF of what Ron Paul has proposed and accomplished, and the media and the Party Elites would declare the race OVER. Yet the more sense Ron Paul makes, the more solid support (not 'flavor of the week') he gets, the harder the media try to bury him, and the more foolish they look.

One final example. The day after Ron Paul announced the boldest proposal by ANY candidate, promising DEEPER and REAL spending cuts, I did a survey of all the major news outlets on line. Half of the news outlets put the story on their front page, or even in their 'Top News' section, while half of the major news outlets had NO STORY- even if you did a search of their entire website! How can a story be 'Top News' on HALF the major outlets, yet not even rate a MENTION on the other half? The only explanation can be a systematic and deliberate censorship of the news when it pertains to ONE CANDIDATE. It's not paranoia if they really ARE against you!

SO congratulations, CSM! Continue to cover Ron Paul fairly and in an even-handed manner with the other candidates, and you will see your readership rise as people continue to drain away from the outlets that continually and blatantly shoot themselves in the foot with obviously biased and ham-handed coverage (or non-coverage). The American people may be ignorant due to not being presented all the facts, but they are not stupid. And they recognize when they are being lied to. And they don't react to that very well.