Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Banksters and Bureaucrats Have Stolen Our Future!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sarah Palin Shows What's Wrong With The Media
Monday, November 22, 2010
TSA and the Washington Money-Go-Round
A USA TODAY Story on November 22nd (usatoday. 11-22-2010 scanner-lobby) highlights the sordid details of how lobbyist dollars influenced the TSA's purchase of nearly $40 million worth of so-called 'backscatter scanners' from RAPISCAN Corp. for use in U.S. airports. In the story, Peter Kant, a Rapiscan executive vice president incredulously stated that 'Hiring lobbyists with Capitol Hill experience does not grant the company special access to lawmakers'. HA! I suppose Kant also believes in the Easter Bunny, The tooth fairy and that no-one ever gets rich while serving in Congress!
This story exemplifies what is wrong in Washington- The place is run by and for the benefit of lobbyists! Just look at the Health Care Bill, which was WRITTEN by lobbyists from the Apollo Alliance and other left-wing lobbyists. How's that working out? What is needed is to clean up the culture of lobbyist-centered corruption in D.C. A ban on lobbying altogether would be the most effective way to stem the corruptocracy that has a stranglehold on government operations. Barring that, what would be second most effective is a ban on ANY government employee becoming a lobbyist (in name or de facto) for at least ten years from their last date of Government employment.
The main excuses usually given for this unethical (but apparently legal) behavior in this case, and seemingly all other cases, always remain the same: 'I'm following the rules', and 'I'm only doing what everyone else is doing'. Just because something is legal doesn't make it moral, ethical or in the best interests of the American People. And the 'good ol' boy' excuse wore thin a long time ago. Doesn't it seem that almost EVERY case of waste, fraud and mismanagement in Washington ALWAYS seems to come down to influence by special-interest lobbying? Any attempts to solve the problems in Washington without addressing lobbyist influence would be as effective as new window dressing on a condemned house. D.C. Corruption = waste of ever-scarce taxpayer dollars. All anyone has to do is merely look at what was passed in this current Congress (and, more importantly the WAY it was passed) to see that the current system is broken beyond repair. Any member of Congress who stands in the way of REAL reform of 'Business As Usual' in Washington should be tossed out on his bureaucratic kiester for encouraging a culture of corruption.
Change is never easy, but change must come to Washington Culture if we are ever to correct the wayward course our country is now on.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
What's Behind the CA 'Mystery Plume'.


SO... The Federal Aviation Administration and not ONE branch of the Pentagon have any idea what caused what looks like a distinctive missile contrail seen for 100's of miles over the most populous metropolitan area in the U.S.? HUH? The FAA is required by LAW to retain logs of all flights, transcripts and freakin' ELECTRONIC RECORDS of all flights and radar data. And do you mean to tell me that the defense department doesn't know EVERYTHING? They currently track over 8,000 pieces of space debris in Low Earth Orbit, some down to less than 10 lbs apiece. But this one just 'slipped through the cracks'. Sure.
There's only one thing I have to say: whatever it was, Americans need to be very, VERY worried. I have listened to several Military, Aerospace and Aeronautical engineers weigh in on this topic, and all (of those not currently tied to a governmental agency or defense contractor) say the 'Mystery Cloud' was undeniably a Missile contrail. That means one of three things:
1. The government knows that this is a test of a new weapon system, but is so incompetent as to timing, execution and basic secrecy that they can't even come up with a plausible 'cover story' to explain it away. I mean, swamp gas, the planet Venus and Bill Gates shooting off REALLY expensive fireworks all works better than 'Duuuuuh... I dunno! Nyuk, Nyuck!'. If they want to feed conspiracy theories, this is the way to do it. Wait... oh, OKAY!!!
2. They truly have no clue as to who did this. It's very scary to think that with all our technology and abilities that something this big could slip by. Either the Military has been REALLY neglectful in maintenence of our Homeland defenses (not likely), or the streets will soon look a lot different soon when the transdimensional creatures and the Blorg from Zeta Reticuli make reservations ahead of you at Spago. Again, I repeat, unlikely scenario... Though it would tend to explain better several personalities in the Entertainment and Political arenas.
Finally, Number 3. This, quite frankly, is the scariest and indeed most plausible explanation; the Government knows about it, wants to keep it secret, and figures that there are enough 'controls' on the flow of information and the mass media that it really doesn't need to try to hide it. This heavily implies not only a deep-seated cynicism in the highest levels of the government, but also an indication of the contempt with which those who control things from 'on high' regard the average American. That we are too stupid and too shallow to even COMPREHEND what is occurring these days- let alone appreciate it.
So, in my mind, the only possible explanations of this 'event' are; that the government is oblivious and incompetent; that the government is corrupt, secretive and belligerent; or 'all of the above'. Nice choices, hmm...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
QE2: A Monetary Boat Ride to Economic Disaster

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." - George Santayana
Never have those words been more relevant than today, in regards to the current 'Quantitative Easing 2' massive debt monetization by the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank. Not coincidentally, after the biggest American wave election since the 1930's, a small article on the 'QE2' was buried in the depths of most newspapers (including this one). Given it's portent for changing (and ultimately destroying) the American way of life as we know it, it is no wonder that those who wish to foist this reckless and historically discredited monetary scheme upon an unsuspecting public chose this furtive means to unveil it in relative obscurity.
Now, most articles in the media discussing economics tend to be put in terms too technical and (unnecessarily) complex for the average reader (sometimes even for the writer!), and seem designed to put the reader into a glassy-eyed intellectual catatonic state. But in reality, the Economics practiced by the Federal Reserve Bank and the U.S. Treasury are neither complicated nor boring. In fact, they are incredibly simple to understand, and seriously provocative in a way that endangers both the U.S. Economy and every American's personal economic situation.
On June 3rd, 2009 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke promised in
sworn testimony before the U.S. Congress that the Federal Reserve would NOT monetize the debt of the U.S. Government. Debt monetization is the process of a country financing it's deficit spending by issuing, and then purchasing it's own debt. History is replete with examples of this taking place, and none have ended well. Look to modern day Zimbabwe, where this practice has led to a currency devaluation of 98.0% PER DAY. A Harare restaurant will require you to pay in advance, since your meal will rise in price by at least 4% in the time it takes you to eat it. There are the infamous pictures from 1930's Germany, where shoppers used wheelbarrows of Deutschemarks for grocery purchases, as the Weimar Republic currency lost it's value at a yearly rate of 29,500%. From Hungary, Greece and China in the 1940's, to Yugoslavia in the mid-1990's, all of this rampant inflation and devaluation of the currency followed a Central Bank's desperate move to Monetize it's debt. Despite Chairman Bernanke's sworn testimony to the contrary, the U.S. Treasury is today embarked on a foolish and massive Monetization of U.S. Debt on a scale unprecedented in World history.
In more down-to-Earth terms, by issuing, and then re-purchasing (through the Fed) over $600 Billion in Treasury notes this week, the U.S. Treasury INSTANTLY devalues the U.S. Dollar by at least 20%. What costs a dollar today will cost at least $1.20 very soon, and the Fed and Treasury say they plan to issue at least $75 Billion PER MONTH for the foreseeable future! Where is this 'Fiat' or 'money created out of thin air' going to? Directly into the coffers of banks that are members of or participants in the Federal Reserve system. They in turn- rather than lending or investing them in job-producing sectors of the economy- are instead lending the money to other elite Financial Institutions who are then buying up massive amounts of their own stock (at bargain-basement prices); the stock of other companies (or whole companies!); and are following what the Chinese, Indians and other countries and large multinational companies are doing- taking their dollars and dollar-denominated instruments and buying massive amounts of commodities, such as petroleum, foodstuffs, precious metals, and other solid-value investments such as real estate and mines.
What this means for the average person- not just in the US, but around the World- is higher prices for EVERYTHING; food, fuel, utilities, finished goods and on and on. Who among us has not remarked that prices for food, fuel, utilities and health care have been steadily climbing for years now. Of course, if you believe the Government statistics, inflation has been from just 1 to 3% over the last several years. However, changes in methods of calculation and products and services that go into the Consumer Price Index over the last 30 years have distorted what the true inflation rate is. Calculated using the 1980 CPI methods, inflation has been clipping along at about a 10% annual rate for several years now. Just ask any Social Security recipient on a fixed income whether they have seen no inflation over the past two years, as the Government Bureaucrats and Private Central Bankers claim. This foolish 'QE2' debt monetization by the Treasury and Fed (on top of the massive amounts already 'created') will make any recent inflation seem minor- whether you use the 'cooked' inflation figures issued by the government, or the real-world hardships from actual inflation visibly inflicted on all Americans.
Founding Father Thomas Jefferson once warned his and future generations that “A private central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army...We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." Jefferson felt as many Americans did that a Central or National Bank would concentrate too much economic power and control in the hands of too few, and saw it as an engine for speculation, financial manipulation, and corruption (financial 'bubble' anyone?). The history of Central Banks in America is replete with corruption, manipulation and speculation, and since it's secretive origins in 1913, the Federal Reserve has not deviated from this destructive path.
The 'Boom-and-Bust' economic cycles and speculative bubbles the Fed
creates and manipulates (such as the S & L crisis, the high-tech bubble, the Mortgage crisis, ad nauseum) merely serve to enrich the international financial banking elite and their corporate and political allies, at the expense of the average American. It is long past time to end this unconstitutional and destructive monopolization of the U.S. Economy by ending the Federal Reserve System once and for all. With a return to a sound and stable historically-proven monetary system- Americans will once again be confident and prosperous, knowing that their country's reins of government financial power are once again Constitutionally controlled by the American people, and NOT a secretive cabal of PRIVATE banksters, bureaucrats and special interests.
From: Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.