Sunday, August 28, 2011

Doyle McManus: Rick Perry's presidential campaign splash -

Doyle McManus: Rick Perry's presidential campaign splash -

"On most issues, the policies Perry and Romney espouse are similar."
Quite true, Mr. McManus... So why is this a 'two-man' race? Perhaps it's more like a 'Two-and-a-half man race', since Ron Paul is the only fully rounded candidate who can actually back up his rehtoric with valid proposals and detailed programs! The other two are merely 3/4-man candidates, since all their most popular rhetoric is stolen from the Ron Paul playbook, and their records belie what is now coming out of their moths on a daily basis.

Those who follow the Mainstream Media meme of left/right, liberal/conservative, et al are truly missing the boat, and have lost the attention of the American voting public (except, perhaps for entertainment value). This election is not about 'left vs. right', but right versus wrong, and about either blindly following the same old policies and procedures that got us into this mess (and insanely expecting something different than the status quo), or actually voting for REAL change that will rejuvenate, revive and restore America. Ron Paul represents a challenge to the status quo, and he is impossible to put into any of the 'little boxes' that the media likes so much to place candidates in so they can 'move the strory along'. Too Bad, since most Americans are sick to death of all the lying, duplicitious politicians, their corrupt bankster financiers, and the regurgitative enablers in the media who wouldn't know an original though if it texted them on their Blackberry.

Keep ignoring, belittling and attacking Ron Paul. Your sorry reputations and shoddy reporting just drive more people into finding out what he REALLY stands for- and they seem to like it in ever increasing numbers!

Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Young people generally lead a revolution - Tampa Bay Social Issues |

Young people generally lead a revolution - Tampa Bay Social Issues |

Ron Paul Definitely appeals to the Young. And the Old. And the Middle aged as well. You see, freedom, Liberty and personal responsibility resonate with critical thinkers of ALL ages. Obama's wham-oBam-thank-you-ma'am campaign was (as they say in Texas) '"all Hat and No Cattle". What little substantive policy and promises made during the '08 campaign went down the tubes real quick, when the Big Donors' lobbyists came a'calling to the White House! Big Labor, Wall Street, The International Banksters, Big Pharma- you know, the USUAL suspects!- all began beating on the Obama team for their expected paybacks. The same scenario that has played out ever since Eisenhower (except Kennedy, of course... He wanted to investigate the CIA and End The Fed, and look what happened to HIM!). Now look at who's giving money to and pulling the strings of all the CURRENT candidates. Only ONE MAN is free from the sticky fingers of K-Street; Ron Paul. The rest will say ANYTHING and pander to everyone to get elected. But who do you think they will answer to after inauguration?

Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.

"Ron Paul is Un-Electable!"

"Ron Paul is Unelectable'...
"Ron Paul Doesn't have a chance to win'...

And on and on Ad Nauseum. At this point in the 2008 cycle, John McCain was polling BELOW where Ron Paul is in this cycle. I don't remember anyone saying McCain 'Didn't have a chance' or any other patronizingly condescending statement. John Huntsman is polling just above Alfred E. Neumann and below 'other', yet the media treats him like he's the second coming of Barack Obama (close). The point is, most of those espousing this hackneyed propaganda shtick base their belief on what everybody ELSE in the incestuous world of punditry is saying.

Some of you may not be old enough to remember, but the media played the same broken record at least a couple of times before. Jimmy Carter was 'one of the seven dwarves' in 1976 and given NO chance at the nomination- let alone the Presidency! Ronald Reagan in 1980 was a 'B-Movie Actor' and 'a failed politician' before he took the nomination and the White House in one of the largest landslides in history. Think what you want about Ron Paul, but the media, pundits and certainly the party hacks- er... 'leadership' have NO CREDIBILITY on predicting the 'viability' or 'electability' of ANY candidate.

I would assume reading goat entrails or consulting the Ouija Board is about as accurate at partisan book-selling hacks like Dick Morris- who, incidentally, while denying that Ron Paul was being ignored on Bill O'Reilly, actually posted a poll graphic that IGNORED Ron Paul! Talk about being hoisted by your own petard! Morris, Frank 'Focus Group' Luntz, and their ilk are just the latest in the long line of pundits, pollsters and 'experts' that are so taken by their own political prowess that they fail to see the 800-pound elephant in the room. Ron Paul has National and grass-roots Organization, fundraising prowess (without corporate money), and a growing and dedicated base of volunteers and supporters that won't jump ship for the latest shiny object to enter the race. The most under-reported story on Ron Paul is actually how he is the ONLY candidate to RETAIN and grow support steadily throughout the campaign so far. Rick Perry will soon be the next Michelle Bachmann Flavor-of-the-month to lose support when people actually get to know him and his record. Funny, but the more people find out about Ron Paul, the more popular he gets! Maybe THAT'S why the media is so reluctant to report on him...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Oil Falls Below $90- So Why Are Gasoline Prices STILL so high?

CLU11.NYM: Summary for Crude Oil Sep 11- Yahoo! Finance

Energy prices drive the economy- either up or down. Crude prices USED to determine market prices, until government intervention in the production, refining and regulation of distribution was hyper-accelerated under Obama. Taxing 'Big Oil' and other so-called 'Fat Cats' doesn't work, since taxes are treated as a business expense, and factored into end prices. That means a tax on 'Fat Cats' and 'Big Business' is ultimately paid by the poor and middle class consumer! This re-distributionist philosophy is designed to destroy the Middle Class and small-to-medium businesses, increase the numbers of disaffected poor (re: gov't dependent), and precipitate a 'revolution' whereby the international banksters, industrialists and TRULY wealthy consolidate wealth and power and utilize the masses as 'useful idiots' to impose a post-modern feudalist society. In other words, a Marxist/Fascist 'Workers' Paradise' controlled by the Party, intellectual and financial elites. Welcome to techno-serfdom!

Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.

Pentagon’s Lightning Gun Sold for Scraps on eBay | Danger Room |

Pentagon’s Lightning Gun Sold for Scraps on eBay | Danger Room |

Your Tax Dollars at work (!). They say that we can't cut MILITARY spending, then threaten pay for soldiers. But what REALLY bloats the DoD budget is corrupt contracts like THIS- which are a scam from start to finish, and are NEVER questioned because of political concerns. Want to make BILLION$$$$???? Get a DoD Contract & build a weapons system out of spare parts in your basement (some corrupt Congressmen assembly required).

Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.