Ron Paul raises most campaign cash from military workers- On Politics -
Why does the Mainstream Media continue to dog Ron Paul with ad-hominem attacks like 'kook', 'fringe' and 'unable to win'? Because he cuts through the demagoguery and political BS and cuts right to the heart of the matter- that corporatism is DESTROYING America! International Banksters and megacorporations care more for their bottom line and extending their power than they do for what's best for America. They spend BILLIONS of dollars in lobbyists on K Street to get favorable contracts, exemptions from Taxes and laws, and regulations that let them either buy out their smaller competitors for pennies on the dollar, or else strangle entrepreneurial competition in it's cradle.
The 'Government' we now have in America resembles not so much the Constitutional vision of our forefathers, but more the Corporatist Fascism of Benito Mussolini and the International Bankster-Funded 'Workers Paradise' of the Soviet Union. The American People are fed a steady diet of the false 'left/right' paradigm, in order to keep us divided. That way, we won't unite against the TRUE domestic enemies of our country- who OWN the government, OWN the Media, and now want to OWN everything else in this country. It's not about 'D' vs. 'R', it's not about 'Left' vs. 'Right'- it's about RIGHT vs. Wrong, and Freedom vs. Slavery. The middle class which created the greatest society on Earth is being decimated, and we are all being reduced to wage-slaves to both the Government and it's Corporatist Masters.
People are starting to (finally) realize that there is little difference (other than rhetoric) between Obama, Bush, Clinton or any other leader from at least the past 50 years. They ALL sell their souls to the highest bidder, then proceed to sell out America to those who would pillage, loot and destroy us for their own gain. Just look at the Top Donors to all the Presidential Candidates, and you will see the same group of Banksters and Industrialists funding them all (except for Ron Paul!). Giant Financial companies, Military Contractors, Pharmaceutical conglomerates and the like don't just give away their money- they expect a good return on it. And with EVERY politician that they buy, they get an EXCELLENT return!
It's time to push against the tide of those who would turn America into the world's largest Banana Republic, and America's citizens into a mass of techno-serfs. Stop the erosion of our economic and Constitutionally-guaranteed rights and freedoms. Vote INFORMED, and not with the rest of the pack of sheeple. Look beyond the empty and ever-changing rhetoric of most politicians, and research their records, character and integrity. You'll never agree 100% with ANY candidate (unless he or she is 100% LYING to you!), but vote for the ONE candidate that has a record of consistent integrity, and who has an in-depth knowledge of what needs to be done to restore America to greatness- Ron Paul 2012!
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says GOP seeks ‘dictatorship … spark panic' - Mike Allen -
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says GOP seeks ‘dictatorship … spark panic' - Mike Allen -
It is Big-Government demagogues from both sides of the aisle like Wasserman-Schultz who are putting Americans in REAL danger of a Dictatorship. As leader of the DNC, she is the point-person for pushing the statist/collectivist Progressive agenda that is destroying the American economy, and draining wealth from the poor and middle class and giving it away to the Internationalist Banksters and their Bureaucrat Drones in Washington who implement this despicable agenda.
Despite all the populist rhetoric coming from the Progressives about 'protecting American Jobs and Workers', their policies are driving jobs and entire industries overseas. Not only that, but their support for the PRIVATE Federal Reserve (a consortium of 8 of the largest Banks in the world), is allowing massive amounts of wealth to be drawn out of the U.S. Treasury, and literally GIVEN AWAY to the Fed's Member Banks and their allies around the World. This is done through constant devaluation of the dollar through inflationary 'printing' of money to support the monetization of the US Debt. Americans see this devaluation every day through rising prices on EVERYTHING- though U.S. Treasury Doublespeak and phony statistics say otherwise).
Political creatures like Ms. Wasserman-Schultz will say and do ANYTHING to advance their ideology and party- even above what's best for the country as a whole. This is not just a 'Democratic' problem, as many big government Republicans also suffer from this ideologically-driven disease. Any politician that relies primarily on attacking the 'opposition' without putting forth a clear and transparent agenda is anathema to what the American political system should be. Nothing productive comes from political operatives and demagogues like the DNC Chairwoman, who feels that 'winning at all costs' for her party is more important than actually doing the business that the American people have sent her to Washington to do.
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
It is Big-Government demagogues from both sides of the aisle like Wasserman-Schultz who are putting Americans in REAL danger of a Dictatorship. As leader of the DNC, she is the point-person for pushing the statist/collectivist Progressive agenda that is destroying the American economy, and draining wealth from the poor and middle class and giving it away to the Internationalist Banksters and their Bureaucrat Drones in Washington who implement this despicable agenda.
Despite all the populist rhetoric coming from the Progressives about 'protecting American Jobs and Workers', their policies are driving jobs and entire industries overseas. Not only that, but their support for the PRIVATE Federal Reserve (a consortium of 8 of the largest Banks in the world), is allowing massive amounts of wealth to be drawn out of the U.S. Treasury, and literally GIVEN AWAY to the Fed's Member Banks and their allies around the World. This is done through constant devaluation of the dollar through inflationary 'printing' of money to support the monetization of the US Debt. Americans see this devaluation every day through rising prices on EVERYTHING- though U.S. Treasury Doublespeak and phony statistics say otherwise).
Political creatures like Ms. Wasserman-Schultz will say and do ANYTHING to advance their ideology and party- even above what's best for the country as a whole. This is not just a 'Democratic' problem, as many big government Republicans also suffer from this ideologically-driven disease. Any politician that relies primarily on attacking the 'opposition' without putting forth a clear and transparent agenda is anathema to what the American political system should be. Nothing productive comes from political operatives and demagogues like the DNC Chairwoman, who feels that 'winning at all costs' for her party is more important than actually doing the business that the American people have sent her to Washington to do.
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Why Are Some Social Conservatives in Iowa Endorsing Ron Paul? » Caffeinated Thoughts
Why Are Some Social Conservatives in Iowa Endorsing Ron Paul? » Caffeinated Thoughts
We are not a theocracy. In America, most rational people will support someone who shows a moral backbone and principles, and someone who supports everyone's right to believe and worship (or not believe and worship) freely and openly. If there's one thing almost EVERYONE agrees with Ron Paul on (whether they know it or not!), it is the right NOT to have someone else's religious beliefs imposed on them. This applies equally to Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists and every other belief and religion imaginable. Dr. Paul rightly realizes that throughout history, the worst sort of government abuses have come through efforts by a majority (or even minority) to use the levers of power to impose their personal beliefs on the population as a whole.
The writer of the above linked article is incorrect in almost all his bullet points. Ron Paul does not personally advocate your laundry list of actions and behaviors. You wrongly assume that if he opposes sanctions against 'victimless' crimes and private, personal behavior, then he 'must' be an advocate for them! To the contrary, Ron Paul only advocates the legalization of FREEDOM and the right to personal choice, so long as it does not violate the rights of another. That is a largely ignored, but critical distinction. As a doctor, he has seen the scourge of drug usage, and he personally opposes drug usage, and advocates it be treated as a MEDICAL problem- not a CRIMINAL one. But he has also seen the destructiveness of criminalization and prohibition of drugs. The Prohibition of Alcohol, while 'good-intentioned', actually INCREASED usage of alcohol, and all it's deleterious effects. It INCREASED under-aged usage, INCREASED criminal activities such as murder,extortion, bribery of public officials, and also advanced formerly small-time criminals into being multimillionaire crime kingpins. Sound familiar? After a 40-year 'War on Drugs', all we have to show for it is increased incarceration rates of otherwise law-abiding citizens, increased crime related to THE PROHIBITION of drugs (the Black Market in them, not the substances themselves), and a law-enforcement/prison economy that thrives on the crime and it's profitability. Not to mention increased drug usage (both legal and illegal), and most dangerously the creation of a failed narco-state on our southern border that rivals the widespread violence and instability of Columbia in the latter 20th century. These negative effects result not from the usage of the substances themselves, but from the criminal behavior stemming from The PROHIBITION of the substances! The argument for legalization can be applied to Prostitution. Properly regulated Prostitution has not resulted in the breakdown of society in Nevada, Canada and many other places where it is legal, safe and regulated. Problems almost exclusively occur where this behavior is prohibited, and regulation of 'the world's oldest profession' is left in the hands of criminals- instead of legal authorities.
As for Abortion, Dr. Paul is personally staunchly opposed to it. However, he feels the Federal Government has no Constitutional right to regulate it, and that it is a matter for each individual state to decide. Even the majority of advocates for Abortion rights must logically agree that it is not an act without negative consequences, and should NEVER be considered as a primary means of birth control. Similarly, on the question of homosexuality Ron Paul feels that the government has no right to regulate personal behavior, ESPECIALLY when singling out a 'Class' or group of people, and either denying them rights or giving them 'special' rights above and beyond those of others. Dr. Paul has stated that the Military should prosecute ANYONE who violates the UCMJ, whatever their sexual orientation. Otherwise, if there is no problem they create through their behavior, they should be left alone. On Marriage, Dr. Paul has said that ALL marriage should be taken out of the hands of the government, instead being placed in the hands of an individual's Personal Church. Any cohabitational disputes should be settled through existing contract and (if applicable) criminal law. In fact, this is already done in the cases of 'common-law' marriage.
In conclusion, you ask "...why are some social conservatives in Iowa endorsing Ron Paul?". Well, many people who don't think with a bumper-sticker mentality and approach important issues from a critical thinking perspective realize that what Ron Paul says and what is REPORTED he has said in the media are often two disparate things! Many people, not just 'Conservative Christians' realize that once we start imposing one view of morality on our fellow citizens, we open the door to imposing morality that may be at odds or destructive to our OWN beliefs. America was founded as a 'Marketplace of Ideas'. If we believe that our personal views are right, we should be strong enough to lead by example and convince our fellow citizens without the use of the force of government regulation and laws. Besides, the primary tenets of libertarian thought condensed quite nicely in Luke 6:31 "Do unto others as you would have them do to you". Maybe many Conservative Christians are coming to realize that Ron Paul's deeply held Christian and Libertarian beliefs are not only compatible, but complementary and totally in sync!
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
We are not a theocracy. In America, most rational people will support someone who shows a moral backbone and principles, and someone who supports everyone's right to believe and worship (or not believe and worship) freely and openly. If there's one thing almost EVERYONE agrees with Ron Paul on (whether they know it or not!), it is the right NOT to have someone else's religious beliefs imposed on them. This applies equally to Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists and every other belief and religion imaginable. Dr. Paul rightly realizes that throughout history, the worst sort of government abuses have come through efforts by a majority (or even minority) to use the levers of power to impose their personal beliefs on the population as a whole.
The writer of the above linked article is incorrect in almost all his bullet points. Ron Paul does not personally advocate your laundry list of actions and behaviors. You wrongly assume that if he opposes sanctions against 'victimless' crimes and private, personal behavior, then he 'must' be an advocate for them! To the contrary, Ron Paul only advocates the legalization of FREEDOM and the right to personal choice, so long as it does not violate the rights of another. That is a largely ignored, but critical distinction. As a doctor, he has seen the scourge of drug usage, and he personally opposes drug usage, and advocates it be treated as a MEDICAL problem- not a CRIMINAL one. But he has also seen the destructiveness of criminalization and prohibition of drugs. The Prohibition of Alcohol, while 'good-intentioned', actually INCREASED usage of alcohol, and all it's deleterious effects. It INCREASED under-aged usage, INCREASED criminal activities such as murder,extortion, bribery of public officials, and also advanced formerly small-time criminals into being multimillionaire crime kingpins. Sound familiar? After a 40-year 'War on Drugs', all we have to show for it is increased incarceration rates of otherwise law-abiding citizens, increased crime related to THE PROHIBITION of drugs (the Black Market in them, not the substances themselves), and a law-enforcement/prison economy that thrives on the crime and it's profitability. Not to mention increased drug usage (both legal and illegal), and most dangerously the creation of a failed narco-state on our southern border that rivals the widespread violence and instability of Columbia in the latter 20th century. These negative effects result not from the usage of the substances themselves, but from the criminal behavior stemming from The PROHIBITION of the substances! The argument for legalization can be applied to Prostitution. Properly regulated Prostitution has not resulted in the breakdown of society in Nevada, Canada and many other places where it is legal, safe and regulated. Problems almost exclusively occur where this behavior is prohibited, and regulation of 'the world's oldest profession' is left in the hands of criminals- instead of legal authorities.
As for Abortion, Dr. Paul is personally staunchly opposed to it. However, he feels the Federal Government has no Constitutional right to regulate it, and that it is a matter for each individual state to decide. Even the majority of advocates for Abortion rights must logically agree that it is not an act without negative consequences, and should NEVER be considered as a primary means of birth control. Similarly, on the question of homosexuality Ron Paul feels that the government has no right to regulate personal behavior, ESPECIALLY when singling out a 'Class' or group of people, and either denying them rights or giving them 'special' rights above and beyond those of others. Dr. Paul has stated that the Military should prosecute ANYONE who violates the UCMJ, whatever their sexual orientation. Otherwise, if there is no problem they create through their behavior, they should be left alone. On Marriage, Dr. Paul has said that ALL marriage should be taken out of the hands of the government, instead being placed in the hands of an individual's Personal Church. Any cohabitational disputes should be settled through existing contract and (if applicable) criminal law. In fact, this is already done in the cases of 'common-law' marriage.
In conclusion, you ask "...why are some social conservatives in Iowa endorsing Ron Paul?". Well, many people who don't think with a bumper-sticker mentality and approach important issues from a critical thinking perspective realize that what Ron Paul says and what is REPORTED he has said in the media are often two disparate things! Many people, not just 'Conservative Christians' realize that once we start imposing one view of morality on our fellow citizens, we open the door to imposing morality that may be at odds or destructive to our OWN beliefs. America was founded as a 'Marketplace of Ideas'. If we believe that our personal views are right, we should be strong enough to lead by example and convince our fellow citizens without the use of the force of government regulation and laws. Besides, the primary tenets of libertarian thought condensed quite nicely in Luke 6:31 "Do unto others as you would have them do to you". Maybe many Conservative Christians are coming to realize that Ron Paul's deeply held Christian and Libertarian beliefs are not only compatible, but complementary and totally in sync!
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Ron Paul: "We Will Default Because The Debt Is Unsustainable" | RealClearPolitics
Ron Paul: "We Will Default Because The Debt Is Unsustainable" | RealClearPolitics
Ron Paul is pointing out that Emperor Obama (and the little Emperors in the Congress) have no intellectual clothes on. He describes the problem in detail, how we got here, and what is needed to solve the problem. Instead of actually tackling the problem, most of Washington wants to play the same smoke-and-mirrors game that got us into the economic hole in the first place! The only solution that Obama and the drone puppets in the Democratic party is: "SPEND MORE! KEEP SPENDING". This from a party that couldn't even PASS a budget for TWO YEARS! The Republican leadership and old guard has been no better than the Dems. They are so frightened of their own re-election shadow that they are willing to 'compromise' themselves into an un-winnable position of full capitulation to the free-spending ideologues that are ruining this once-fine country. And they are (once again) setting themselves up to TAKE THE BLAME! The only voice of sanity and reason are the freshmen 'Tea Party' Congressmen and Women who were mandated by the voters to end this fiscal insanity.
The strangest part of this whole debacle is that the only ones making fiscal sense, and advocating a REAL plan are the ones excoriated by the media for being 'crazy', 'fringe' and various other ad-hominem appellations. Since when is living within your means, spending at or less than what you earn, and balancing the budget 'crazy'? What's really crazy is either those in denial of the REAL crisis (who only want to extend the status quo- until it collapses), or- even scarier- those who truly want to destroy our economic system, only to replace it with a 'fairer' system of 'wealth redistribution'. It's time to pick a side, America- the status-quo road to ruin- or the hard-choice path to fiscal sanity. Any so-called 'compromise' is a well-intentioned path straight to economic and social ruination for America.
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
Ron Paul is pointing out that Emperor Obama (and the little Emperors in the Congress) have no intellectual clothes on. He describes the problem in detail, how we got here, and what is needed to solve the problem. Instead of actually tackling the problem, most of Washington wants to play the same smoke-and-mirrors game that got us into the economic hole in the first place! The only solution that Obama and the drone puppets in the Democratic party is: "SPEND MORE! KEEP SPENDING". This from a party that couldn't even PASS a budget for TWO YEARS! The Republican leadership and old guard has been no better than the Dems. They are so frightened of their own re-election shadow that they are willing to 'compromise' themselves into an un-winnable position of full capitulation to the free-spending ideologues that are ruining this once-fine country. And they are (once again) setting themselves up to TAKE THE BLAME! The only voice of sanity and reason are the freshmen 'Tea Party' Congressmen and Women who were mandated by the voters to end this fiscal insanity.
The strangest part of this whole debacle is that the only ones making fiscal sense, and advocating a REAL plan are the ones excoriated by the media for being 'crazy', 'fringe' and various other ad-hominem appellations. Since when is living within your means, spending at or less than what you earn, and balancing the budget 'crazy'? What's really crazy is either those in denial of the REAL crisis (who only want to extend the status quo- until it collapses), or- even scarier- those who truly want to destroy our economic system, only to replace it with a 'fairer' system of 'wealth redistribution'. It's time to pick a side, America- the status-quo road to ruin- or the hard-choice path to fiscal sanity. Any so-called 'compromise' is a well-intentioned path straight to economic and social ruination for America.
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
CBC News: Bernanke: Fed May Launch New Round of Stimulus - C...
CBC News:
Bernanke: Fed May Launch New Round of Stimulus - C...: "Bernanke is like a drug dealer pushing economic Heroin to the Money Addicts in Washington and Wall Street. His dangerous Keynesian smoke-and-mirrors act has already weakened the American Economy (and the World's) to the point of collapse. Now, after Trillions of dollars transferred from American Taxpayers to corrupt, greedy and inefficient International Banksters has proven worse than ineffective- rather quite destructive- he now proposes MORE OF THE SAME, expecting a different outcome?
There is a quote, often attributed to Einstein or Rita Mae Brown, that says "Insanity is when you keep doing the same things expecting different results". I seriously doubt Mr. Bernanke is insane (though his policies may be). Rather, it seems there is a concerted effort to devalue the US Dollar, eliminate the American Middle Class, drive wealth and capital away from US shores, and destabilize the World economy. How else (other than insanity) can you explain the seemingly insane decisions made by the Fed, the US Government and Wall Street over the last, say... several decades?
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr."
Bernanke: Fed May Launch New Round of Stimulus - C...: "Bernanke is like a drug dealer pushing economic Heroin to the Money Addicts in Washington and Wall Street. His dangerous Keynesian smoke-and-mirrors act has already weakened the American Economy (and the World's) to the point of collapse. Now, after Trillions of dollars transferred from American Taxpayers to corrupt, greedy and inefficient International Banksters has proven worse than ineffective- rather quite destructive- he now proposes MORE OF THE SAME, expecting a different outcome?
There is a quote, often attributed to Einstein or Rita Mae Brown, that says "Insanity is when you keep doing the same things expecting different results". I seriously doubt Mr. Bernanke is insane (though his policies may be). Rather, it seems there is a concerted effort to devalue the US Dollar, eliminate the American Middle Class, drive wealth and capital away from US shores, and destabilize the World economy. How else (other than insanity) can you explain the seemingly insane decisions made by the Fed, the US Government and Wall Street over the last, say... several decades?
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr."
CBC News: Contaminated Beef Reaches Market in Japan -
CBC News: Contaminated Beef Reaches Market in Japan - "Contaminated Beef Reaches Market in Japan -
Notice how there is NO news about radiation levels in the US? They even buried the news when the EPA RAISED so-called 'safe' radiation levels by a nearly 1000-fold increase for exposure to strontium-90, a 3000 to 100,000-fold hike for exposure to iodine-131; and an almost 25,000 rise for exposure to radioactive nickel-63” in drinking water (According to PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility). The Toxic Fallout cloud from the Fukishima disaster has already circled the Earth numerous times. Every precipitation event results in more radiation being dumped into the environment, and on US! As for there being 'safe' levels of radiation, this is a half-truth. Exposure to only Radiation itself is damaging, but the half-lives of some radioactive elements are short. However, some elements remain at dangerously high levels for many years, resulting in repeated exposure to radiation- if you haven't swept for and decontaminated the radioactive residue on your house, lawn and garden (and who HASN'T?). But what the authorities DON'T want you to know is that radiation exposure is CUMULATIVE. Every dose of exposure is not a separate incident, but an ADDITIONAL amount that increases your risk and possibility of cancer- now or many years down the road. Ignorance may be bliss, but ignorance of what radiation ACTUALLY is and how it affects you may be deadly!
Notice how there is NO news about radiation levels in the US? They even buried the news when the EPA RAISED so-called 'safe' radiation levels by a nearly 1000-fold increase for exposure to strontium-90, a 3000 to 100,000-fold hike for exposure to iodine-131; and an almost 25,000 rise for exposure to radioactive nickel-63” in drinking water (According to PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility). The Toxic Fallout cloud from the Fukishima disaster has already circled the Earth numerous times. Every precipitation event results in more radiation being dumped into the environment, and on US! As for there being 'safe' levels of radiation, this is a half-truth. Exposure to only Radiation itself is damaging, but the half-lives of some radioactive elements are short. However, some elements remain at dangerously high levels for many years, resulting in repeated exposure to radiation- if you haven't swept for and decontaminated the radioactive residue on your house, lawn and garden (and who HASN'T?). But what the authorities DON'T want you to know is that radiation exposure is CUMULATIVE. Every dose of exposure is not a separate incident, but an ADDITIONAL amount that increases your risk and possibility of cancer- now or many years down the road. Ignorance may be bliss, but ignorance of what radiation ACTUALLY is and how it affects you may be deadly!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Ron Paul wants to kill the TSA, which could end the careers of 500 puppies -
Ron Paul wants to kill the TSA, which could end the careers of 500 puppies -
The DHS is an unconstitutional Federal Agency, as well as a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which was put in place to prevent creation of a 'National Police Force' in the wake of abuses during the Reconstruction Era. DHS (and by extension, TSA) usurp State and Local Law Enforcement entities by unlawfully performing Police functions at the local level. I personally witnessed DHS agents doing STREET PATROLS at the last International Auto Show in Detroit. All of their LEGAL functions should be performed by the FBI, and in many cases are redundant of them. How does a massive NEW layer of bureaucracy add to National Security? In many cases, it HINDERS national security by politicizing valid security issues, at the same time forcing valid security-sharing functions to be 'filtered' through a vast, inefficient bureaucratic apparatus. But the real problem is that the DHS seems to be able to function ABOVE and OUTSIDE the law, rather than enforcing it. Just look at the operation of the TSA for guidance, where 'programs' and 'procedures' that are clearly illegal and unconstitutional (if performed by private citizens or entities) are not only kept in place, but are defended, expanded and given PRECEDENCE over valid civil rights issues!
Just because a Federal Agency has the power to do something does not make it legal, morally valid or even the right thing to do. Acceptance of this onerous Police-State fear-based mentality by the media and, by extension, the public at large will only lead us down the slippery slope to further encroachment on, corruption of and elimination of the very basic freedoms that made this country great. It is the same warped principle that we saw in Vietnam, where our Orwellian Masters declared 'We had to destroy the village in order to save it'. How illogical and twisted is it when our Government tells us we have to give up our rights in order to 'defend them'? Americans need to stand up for our rights, and stand up to the Federalist Bullies that are trying to turn us into a nation of docile Sheeple- unwilling to stand out from the flock and declare 'Enough!' If we fail to stand up and protect our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights and freedoms, then our Children and Grandchildren will suffer, and never forget how their coward forbearers squandered the precious gift of freedom for a cheap (and false) sense of security!.
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
The DHS is an unconstitutional Federal Agency, as well as a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which was put in place to prevent creation of a 'National Police Force' in the wake of abuses during the Reconstruction Era. DHS (and by extension, TSA) usurp State and Local Law Enforcement entities by unlawfully performing Police functions at the local level. I personally witnessed DHS agents doing STREET PATROLS at the last International Auto Show in Detroit. All of their LEGAL functions should be performed by the FBI, and in many cases are redundant of them. How does a massive NEW layer of bureaucracy add to National Security? In many cases, it HINDERS national security by politicizing valid security issues, at the same time forcing valid security-sharing functions to be 'filtered' through a vast, inefficient bureaucratic apparatus. But the real problem is that the DHS seems to be able to function ABOVE and OUTSIDE the law, rather than enforcing it. Just look at the operation of the TSA for guidance, where 'programs' and 'procedures' that are clearly illegal and unconstitutional (if performed by private citizens or entities) are not only kept in place, but are defended, expanded and given PRECEDENCE over valid civil rights issues!
Just because a Federal Agency has the power to do something does not make it legal, morally valid or even the right thing to do. Acceptance of this onerous Police-State fear-based mentality by the media and, by extension, the public at large will only lead us down the slippery slope to further encroachment on, corruption of and elimination of the very basic freedoms that made this country great. It is the same warped principle that we saw in Vietnam, where our Orwellian Masters declared 'We had to destroy the village in order to save it'. How illogical and twisted is it when our Government tells us we have to give up our rights in order to 'defend them'? Americans need to stand up for our rights, and stand up to the Federalist Bullies that are trying to turn us into a nation of docile Sheeple- unwilling to stand out from the flock and declare 'Enough!' If we fail to stand up and protect our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights and freedoms, then our Children and Grandchildren will suffer, and never forget how their coward forbearers squandered the precious gift of freedom for a cheap (and false) sense of security!.
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
Friday, July 1, 2011
TODAYonline | Commentary | A new isolationism in the US
TODAYonline | Commentary | A new isolationism in the US
Non-Interventionism is NOT, repeat NOT isolationism. Conflating or attempting to confuse the two indicates either a deliberate attempt to confuse the issue or an unintentional, but serious inability to intellectually comprehend the distinct and clear differences between the two. Ron Paul advocates a clearly open policy towards other nations, but one that it not imperialistic or corporatist protectionism. One could argue the present 'policeman of the world' interventionist policy of the OBama/Bush Administrations is clearly more isolationist, in that it isolates the US economically and diplomatically by creating enemies of the peoples of foreign lands by supporting those within or without their countries who will exploit and oppress them.
'Good Intentions' is not he basis for a sound foreign policy, as the unintended consequences of interventionism and imposing governments on foreign peoples ultimately become too costly both in American lives and treasure. War Hawksalways seem to have some absurd justification for their adventurism abroad, but it RARELY involves the REAL defense of America or it's sovereign interests. It usually just benefits the multinational Banksters and arms merchants who profit off of the blood of our Soldiers.
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
Non-Interventionism is NOT, repeat NOT isolationism. Conflating or attempting to confuse the two indicates either a deliberate attempt to confuse the issue or an unintentional, but serious inability to intellectually comprehend the distinct and clear differences between the two. Ron Paul advocates a clearly open policy towards other nations, but one that it not imperialistic or corporatist protectionism. One could argue the present 'policeman of the world' interventionist policy of the OBama/Bush Administrations is clearly more isolationist, in that it isolates the US economically and diplomatically by creating enemies of the peoples of foreign lands by supporting those within or without their countries who will exploit and oppress them.
'Good Intentions' is not he basis for a sound foreign policy, as the unintended consequences of interventionism and imposing governments on foreign peoples ultimately become too costly both in American lives and treasure. War Hawksalways seem to have some absurd justification for their adventurism abroad, but it RARELY involves the REAL defense of America or it's sovereign interests. It usually just benefits the multinational Banksters and arms merchants who profit off of the blood of our Soldiers.
Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.
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