Thursday, March 24, 2011

White House: Libya fight is not war, it's 'kinetic military action' | Byron York | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

White House: Libya fight is not war, it's 'kinetic military action' | Byron York | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Where did these people running the Obama Administration acquire their critical thinking skills (if any)- the 'George Orwell school of Journalism'? Ask any competent General, from Sun Tzu to George Washington to Norman Schwarzkoff, and thy will tell you that the military's purpose is two-fold: Kill People and Break Things. They are a tool of last resort in the arsenal of democracy- not a social engineering mechanism to achieve 'Nation Building', 'democracy' or any other Progressive code word for influence and control. Usage of our military in the way President Obama is utilizing it it precisely what got us into most of the foreign policy morasses over the last 100 years! Taking even 'limited military action' (whatever THAT is) without a definite end goal, strategy or definable parameters will inevitably lead to the antithesis of democracy and freedom. Taking sides in a civil war like Libya where we don't even KNOW who the 'rebels' or 'opposition' is is even more alarming, since it is already known that many in the 'leadership' of the opposition in Libya if not outright members of organizations hostile to the United States, are probably leaning that way. With the kind of amateurish decision-making going on inside the Obama Administration's 'Brain Trust', America will inevitably end up with either a despotic regime that is subservient (or at least bought and paid for) to the U.S. and it's corporate and internationalist Bankster steering committee, or else we'll end up with a despotic regime that is hostile to the U.S. and it's interests. It's a lose-lose situation, with either end result being detrimental to both the long and short-term interests of the people of the United States.

When the keystone cops on acid approach to everything by the Obama administration was being implemented domestically, it was only a threat to the American Economy and way of life. By taking this naive and ill-conceived strategy to the international stage, the Obama Administration is now endangering the very LIVES of Americans. When will ANYONE in the Press, Congress or the public eye finally have the temerity to point out that the Emperor Has No Clothes. Barack Obam is not the smartest man to occupy the White House by a long shot, despite the romanticized delusions of the True Believers in the Progressive Left. He may, however, be the most DANGEROUS man to occupy the office, if his march of America toward the ash heap of history keeps accelerating.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Radioactive Cloud heads to N. America- Government says 'All Is Well'.

How can the so-called 'Experts' even make these claims about the supposed 'safety' of the radioactive fallout cloud, when TEPCO and the Japanese government STILL refuse to release radiological data as to the makeup and intensity of the particles being emitted at the Fukushima Daiichi plants? This crisis is eerily reminiscent of the BP oil disaster, when the responsibility for cleanup, testing and reporting was left in the hands of BP, even to the point that BP overruled the EPA in the overuse of Corexit!

Even the usually compliant and respectful Japanese people are furious at their government and it's co-conspirator TEPCO in the way this entire incident has been handled. Government officials aren't even giving enough information to their own people in order for them to make decisions on their own safety. How can we expect them to be straight to the world on the TRUE extent of this tragedy.

And the Obama Administration's amateurish 'Wait and Hope' attitude has contributed to the deepening of this crisis. How about some REAL leadership from SOMEONE????

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Xtrabiggg News: President Obama’s Trivial Pursuits | The Blog on O...

Xtrabiggg News: President Obama’s Trivial Pursuits | The Blog on O...: "President Obama’s Trivial Pursuits | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier Amateur hour at the WH Continues. In many cases, perception IS reality. There is nothing wrong with a President picking an NCAA bracket. THe problem is, the way it is being handled by the WH gives the impression of an unfocused, unduly deliberative and reactionary Presidency. There seems to be not only just a lack of urgency in addressing the many crises that are now swirling around the President, but a total disconnect of the President and a complete lack of prioritization. PR and political issues can be addressed in properly compartmentalized- but ONLY if major issues are given priority and and addressed in a timely, effective and proactive way. President Obama seems to be constantly waiting. Waiting to see if anybody else is reacting to a situation; waiting for a 'study group' or 'panel' will validate or even CREATE his actions for him; waiting for events to 'sort themselves out' before taking action or even commenting publicly on them.

Like him or not, at least George Bush wasn't afraid to make a decision in a timely manner. I don't know who said 'a bad decision made in a timely manner is better than the right decision made too late', but that seems to sum up the problem with this administration. A President's primary purpose is to make decisions. Hard decisions. Unpopular decisions. This President seems to be paralyzed by indecision. He seems obsessed with not making a wrong decision, and ends up in a worse place- not being able to make ANY decision!

President Obama’s Trivial Pursuits | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

President Obama’s Trivial Pursuits | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Amateur hour at the WH Continues. In many cases, perception IS reality. There is nothing wrong with a President picking an NCAA bracket. THe problem is, the way it is being handled by the WH gives the impression of an unfocused, unduly deliberative and reactionary Presidency. There seems to be not only just a lack of urgency in addressing the many crises that are now swirling around the President, but a total disconnect of the President and a complete lack of prioritization. PR and political issues can be addressed in properly compartmentalized- but ONLY if major issues are given priority and and addressed in a timely, effective and proactive way. President Obama seems to be constantly waiting. Waiting to see if anybody else is reacting to a situation; waiting for a 'study group' or 'panel' will validate or even CREATE his actions for him; waiting for events to 'sort themselves out' before taking action or even commenting publicly on them.

Like him or not, at least George Bush wasn't afraid to make a decision in a timely manner. I don't know who said 'a bad decision made in a timely manner is better than the right decision made too late', but that seems to sum up the problem with this administration. A President's primary purpose is to make decisions. Hard decisions. Unpopular decisions. This President seems to be paralyzed by indecision. He seems obsessed with not making a wrong decision, and ends up in a worse place- not being able to make ANY decision!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Who Is Your Pick for the 2012 GOP Presidential Nomination? - US News and World Report

Who Is Your Pick for the 2012 GOP Presidential Nomination? - US News and World Report

THe reason that over 63% of the people in your 'poll' voted for 'other' is probably because of the major names you excluded from the poll. Interesting how you only included 'insiders' who are vetted by the GOP Ruling Elites and their minions at FOX News! Ron Paul, Allen West, et al. The Establishment that is trying to steer the GOP away from what the grassroots wants towards another losing establishment candidate is due for a shocking surprise, similar to the one experienced in the 1976 to 1980 cycle. Back in '76, ROnald Reagan was shut out by the Party elites and termed a 'former actor' and 'failed candidate' in the press. He worked the grassroots after that, and instead of toeing the party elite line and kissing up, he took over the party and booted out the entrenched political hacks.

The Tea Party was and is primarily about the non-responsiveness of those who govern toward their 'bosses'- the American People. Obviously, many in Washington and the Party leadership have not gotten the message, and still are pushing Big Government RINOs and Neo-Cons to the exclusion of true conservatives. The infiltration and attempted 'co-option' of the Tea Party movement (with a few exceptions) has been an utter failure, as it is a TRUE grassroots movement, and attempts to astroturf and subvert it have resulted in abysmal failure.

Wake up, Washington! The American People are waking up, and the same tired and destructive political games used to control past elections do not work anymore- witness the 2010 election, where anti-establishment candidates rocked out as the hand-picked stooges of the party were resoundingly voted out. Despite the virtual blacklisting and propagandistic attacks on ROn Paul, his grassroots organization and fundraising prowess are stronger than ever, and the takeover of local and state GOP structures by traditional conservatives continues apace. Looks like 2012 will be a repeat of the 1980 cycle, with the Party Elites and the Mainstream Media looking clueless and impotent as ever, and the American people once again asserting their will over those who would try to control and marginalize them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

THIS is why we have Out-Of-Control Government Spending...

Just like the heroin addict who'll quit after 'Just one more hit'. These Political w#0res only know one speed- flat-out SPEND! It's clearly long past time to vote out those in both the Demopublican and Republicratic wings of the MONEY Party and start over with people with the smarts and cojones to correct this long-festering problem. Too many of the Big-Government elites in both parties are recommending a band-aid for a hemorrhaging body politic. We need more people like Rand Paul who brushes aside the childish comments ans backstabbing and proposes a $500 Billion-dollar budget cut AS A FIRST STEP!

Until these Money addicts even acknowledge the problem, all the American people can expect is lip service and the high hard one being given to at least three generations- as well as the end of the American Way of Life as we know it.

On Media: Media news and analysis -

On Media: Media news and analysis -

Another Big GOvernment Neo-Con RINO picks up his ball and goes home when chjallenged on his flawed views!

Dick Morris always seems to be raising money. I get at least two or three 'appeals' from him or his 'organization' per month. So it's not surprising that he got upset that he couldn't do a ten-minute infomercial for his book, like he does on the pl;iant FOX News shows. The War on Drugs is an abysmal failure, unless you count the billions put into the coffers of both the Drug Lords and Law Enforcement! Same with the the 'War On Terror'- billions go into the coffers of the Military Industrialists, Law Enforcement and the redundant and worse-than-useless Department of Fatherland Security.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Iraqi forces use water cannon to disperse protests - Yahoo! News

Iraqi forces use water cannon to disperse protests - Yahoo! News

Iraq: Oppressive dictator replaced by American troops with a another corrupt and dictatorial government.

Afghanistan: Oppressive dictatorial government replaced by American troops with a another corrupt and dictatorial government.

Why is America so hated abroad? They don't hate our freedom and democracy. They LOVE our freedom and democracy! It's just that our Military is used by the International Banksters and multinational corporations to PREVENT Democracy and freedom from taking hold. We should not be in the business of occupation and 'Nation-Building'. Every empire in history saw it's downfall when it stretched it's empire too thin and tried to impose it's will on other nations and peoples.

Time to bring the troops home, and defend our borders and people, as they are Constitutionally obliged to do. We should be protecting ourselves from the failed Narco State on our southern border, instead of trying to impose 'Democracy' on countries that have no history of, nor desire for or capability to implement it.

God bless our troops, but God help them from the misuse of our military by corrupt and co-opted bureaucrats and banksters.

Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Matt Drudge defines the debate - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Matt Drudge defines the debate - The Hill's Pundits Blog

So let me get this straight: a news aggregator who publishes stories from sources across the spectrum is somehow 'biased' towards the right, and a media 'machine'. Yet the mega -corporations that run MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time, HuffPo et al are merely presenting unbiased viewpoints? Had a little too much of the DNC Kool-Aid, have we Brent?

The overarching Progressive-Left Media Bias toward, fawning over and apologizing for The Incompetent and ideologically-driven Obama regime is plainly visible to everyone in America except for those in the Bubble, and the unthinking drones who take their statist talking points and scream them through bullhorns at rallies (which they usually are paid, in one form or another, to 'attend'). THe Obama Machine has taken Xhicago corrupt politics and gone national, complete with goons intimidating peaceful protestors, Potemkin-Village 'protests' that are more astroturf than Nancy Pelosi dancing on the 50-Yard line at the SUperdome, and huge amounts of Money-Laundering of federal funds and union dues through the corrupt and byzantine money machine that has been set up by the Progressives in order to fund their radical political agenda. Not to mention the politicization of EVERY government department, to the point where a 'political officer' has to review every FOIA request in most agencies.

The Emperor Has No Clothes. No matter how loudly and how many times the Progressive Minions in the media shout otherwise, the American People (well, those with critical thinking skills) know a hearty line of BS when they hear it. The economy has been 'improving' for two years now, but the only ones who are doing better are the politically-connected class with ties to the White House or the DNC. Everyone else is dealing with expanding unemployment, lower wages, give-backs in salary and benefits, loss of their homes, higher prices for EVERYTHING (The CPI has been a useless joke for decades)m and the list goes on.

It's gotten to the point where even if the media DOES tell the truth on something, most people don't believe it because they have been lied to so often and for so long that they would rather trust their own eyes and ears, rather than what some so-called 'expert' in the media is shoveling towards them!

Thaddeus S. Kaczor, Jr.